Sunday, July 22, 2012

Gentle Giant, In Concert.


  1. Dawn, Just by looking at the guys and that they open with 2 Weeksi In Spain, and later doing I'm Turning Around both from The Missing Piece LP (1977 ) I say this is late 70's Giant.

    Did you notice that the BBC's sound man was asleep at the switch on On Reflection? Not cool that both Gary and Jon were singing into dead mikes. I love this band.

  2. So Dawn, do you have any Giant CD's yet? BTW the Band now has the rights to all the master tapes and is releasing remastered CD's. Since I have all but the last Lp and the Live at the BBC CD's I most likely will pass. Maybe I'll get Playing The Fool the live album for the road.

  3. Paul, Not yet, but.. I do plan on adding Giant music to my CD collection..

    Just trying to decide which one is my favorite..

  4. If you cant decide yet than Playing The Fool the live album is the way to go. It has songs from 3 friends, Octopus, In A Glass House, Power and Glory and Freehand. This is the album I use to turn people on to Giant.

  5. Thank you Paul.. That will be the next CD I add to my collection..
