Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Band at Woodstock.

A 1970 Band concert performance.


  1. I remember this song too...

  2. See Dawn, I told you you have heard of The Band.
    U sasw them at the Greek in LA in what was their last tour before their final concert in San francisco that became the film The Last Waltz. They played 2 sets each song being better than the last. Besides Gentle Giant I've never heard a band keep this high level of excellence going. Anyway after the gig I thanked my Capital Records salesman for the free tickets and asked him if they were doing anything for the last show
    He said Warner Bros Records was recording the show, and Capital was not doing any caravan up to San Francisco, so if I wanted tickets he come get me two, but the rest was up to me. Well saving for Grad School,it would have been tough coming up with the money for a few days in the city so I did not go. When I saw the film I was really mad at me self, I should have gone. Anyway the film is one of the best rock concert films ever,it you have never seen it you need to see it, but a word of warning, Neil Young looks really Stoned and Eric Clapton does not have a good night. , Robbie takes him to school.

  3. Dawn , these clips make me both happy and very sad. happy that I can see these guys together doing what they do best and sad knowing that Rick, Richard and now Levon (April of this year)are gone. I always have my Lp's Cd's and DVD of The Last Waltz, and Levon in The Right Stuff. I have to stop now before I start crying.

  4. good blog yeah! =)

  5. Paul, So sorry that you missed the concert. That would have been a wonderful memory to think back on.

    I will look for the video..

    I know what you mean.. about some of these clips. Sometimes.. I really miss the 60's and 70's.

    Welcome, bat!!
