Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Easybeats : Friday On My Mind

"Friday on My Mind" is a 1966 song by Australian rock group The Easybeats. Written by band members George Young and Harry Vanda, the track became a worldwide hit.


  1. Dawn, one of my all time favorites. It's to bad most people only know the David Bowie cover version from the album Pinups.

  2. LOL.. Paul, I'm the other way around. I'm not really a David Bowie fan.

  3. Dawn, I was exposed to SO MUCH Bowie Hype in the early 70's it was almost too much to take. Every month at RCA it was BOWIE , BOWIE, BOWIE, I remember that when I got my promo copy Of Aladin Sane I wanted to use as a fresbee and try to hit the Cimerama Dome across Sunset Blvd from RCA's Music Center Of The World.
