Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Guitarist Chris Hillman at the Library of Congress

As an original member of the Byrds, Chris Hillman, talks about the craft of the songwriter and about his prolific career.


  1. Well Dawn, This was a little more mellow that when I saw them? What do you think. Remember Chris played in Blue Grass bands in So Ca for years before the Byrds, and Herb has sang Back up and harmony on at least a Zillion recording sessions . No auto tune here. Great work finding these clips.

  2. Byrds, is one of my favorite groups and I really enjoyed going down memory lane with Chris. He really has had amazing career. I was a little surprised to hear that he fired Crosby.

    My husbands partner saw Crosby last month at the LA airport.. Said that, "he looked awesome in his fringed leather jacket":)

  3. Dawn, ugh old LAX (or as most locals call it exlax) man I hope I ever have to go thru that place again.
