Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Doors: Light My Fire.

"Light My Fire" became The Doors' signature song which launched them to stardom. Before this was released, The Doors were an underground band popular in the Los Angeles area, but this got the attention of a mass audience. A year later, it re-entered the Billboard Hot 100 in 1968 following the success of Jose Feliciano's version of the song.


  1. Dawn, during my college radio days one Saturday a month I would get to go the the RCA Music Center of The World, on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood across the street from the "Dome". So I got to meet Jose in Studio A. He did a private concert for us, he's a very funny guy and does the best Bob Dylan impression I've ever heard.
    Check hinm out of the Alive A live o Lp from London. He does Bob doing a spot for Coke.

  2. I will see if I can find the video.
